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“ You are an effective and enlightening true channel of divine light.”


Maria F., Maryland, USA

Sacred Alchemy: Crow Medicine

“Thank you so much for helping me this year.  With your help I have been going through such a purging and birthing process and have unblocked a lot of blocks.  I've finally gained forward momentum on things I have tried to get going on for years.  It feels so good. Your session and your tools helped me understand so much about what was happening with the icky side of things.  It is so hard to find someone in the spiritual field that deals with malevolence that holds an equal field of light.  I was overjoyed and relieved to be able to work with you.  You are an effective and enlightening true channel of divine light.  Thank you for what you do for me and for the collective.”

“It reawakened the Magic into my life.”

Serena A., Piedmont, Italy

Cauldron Intensive

“A nurturing and gentle journey into myself supported by the elements  of Nature and archetypes from different cultures, guided by Tania's sensitive intuition and love. Presence is the main gift I received from the Medicine Wheel Journey and so the consciousness of being here and now. It reawakened the Magic into my life. So precious”

“I have also developed a love for the elementals in nature. I think her passion rubs off!”

 Rachael L., Melbourne, Australia

Cauldron Intensive

I didn’t know what to expect when entering this very special cauldron that Tania created. It took me on a journey beyond my wildest imagination. Her journeys spoke to my heart and took me higher than I had ever been before. I love how she was able to offer insights into what we experienced and weave together seemingly unconnected visions. She holds a safe, sacred place where magic can and does happen. She has much wisdom to share and tools to keep us centered. I began this journey wanting to connect more and step into my power. I finished this journey with a deep knowing, new clarity and a need not only to move house, but move country and follow where spirit is calling me to next. I have also developed a love for the elementals in nature. I think her passion rubs off! Yes, I’m the one who talks to plants now and marvels at how pretty all the spring flowers are. And as the English bluebells die off, I am reminded that endings and beginnings are intertwined. As one ends, it is creating space for the new. I highly recommend this cauldron. 

“ I am blessed to walk this journey with Tania”


 Kimmy S., Durban, South Africa

Sacred Alchemy: Shamanism and Divine Healing

“Tania is first and foremost an amazing being.  When you meet her, her natural energy exudes a sense of peace like the gentle caress of the wind, or the warmth of sunshine on one’s skin.  This talks to fact that she lives her craft as she is a talented Shaman whose command of the Shamanic energies and elements that she uses in her healing sessions is breath-taking and heart-warming at the same time.  Tania is a gentle healer that effortlessly tunes into one’s energy and helps to release energy that is no longer working for you, whilst replacing that energy with love, light and healing.  This coupled with her Divine Healing work makes for a potent healer who quickly gets to the underlying cause of the issue and effortlessly works with your Higher Self to release and reframe that energy in order to help you step forward with a new sense of optimism, zest and energy.  I have thoroughly enjoyed all my healings with Tania and have benefited from her insights and energetic work.  Having suffered severe trauma, Tania was able to offer me comfort from physical pain, to ease my emotional and mental pain and create an environment conducive to me removing the excess baggage that I no longer needed to carry, whilst allowing me to gently heal in body, mind and soul.  I am blessed to walk this journey with Tania.  When you experience her energy, you will feel as if you are being enveloped in the gentle arms of Mother Nature.  Tania, thank you for being an amazing healer and friend.  Our bond has grown from the day we met and I look forward to continuing on this path with you.”

“I’m quite shocked at how on point it is.”


Victoria G., Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Sacred Alchemy: Divine Healing

“I found that quite a deep thing - all this. I expected it to be interesting - don’t get me wrong - but it’s incredibly profound, really it is. I’m quite shocked at how on point it is.”

“Since the session I have felt lightness, joy and fulfilment”

Serena A., Piedmont, Italy

Sacred Alchemy: Divine Healing

“I was totally messed up and confused and looking for clarity. I feel much better and clearer. Clearer ideas, I could define my feelings and emotions, I could recognise them - that I couldn’t before - I couldn’t see them clearly before. Now I can. Since the session I have felt lightness, joy and fulfillment”

“ As I say it really felt like tough love - but actually it was what I was needing and yeah, blown away.”

Gillian G. Fife, Scotland

Sacred Alchemy: Divine Healing

“ I was at a place where I was bewildered. Really lost and uncertain. And I was  making changes, coping with real chronic fatigue that made it hard to do anything at all. I was living in a way that was not authentic to my being. I was looking for clarity, for reassurance ... I was getting a strong feeling that I needed to close the door on everything in my past - doors on every part of my life. And that is major and it is frightening as well. So when I first came to Tania for Divine Healing I was in quite a state. Tho’ I hide and pretend everythings fine - but it wasn’t. My expectations were hope that I would find clarity, reassurance of getting to the right path. Restarting, rebirth, retransformation and everything! So I came with an openness to receiving the support that I needed. During I was blown away. Blown away by the answers to parts - every level of me: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and way beyond - at levels I hadn’t even thought about. There was a lot of practical stuff that came through, it was really constructive, like a bit of tough love with kindness and compassion and definitely real feelings that the guidance was from people - ancestors and beings that really loved me, that really knew me. It was so beautiful. And some things were hard to hear. As I say it really felt like tough love - but actually it was what I was needing and yeah, blown away. I wasn’t able to hide - I couldn’t hide any part of me doing this. Everything was accessed and magically opened. 

And yes I was in the process of closing so many doors. And I’m meaning moving, looking after my Dad, leaving my job that I’ve done for 30 years, leaving relationships, opening up to working with nature, with animals, really being more authentic of who I am … The joy of life, the love of living again. I think lockdown has really been such a different story for everyone. So I got reassurance, I got the understanding, the support, the feelings that I am on the right direction now. A lot of confidence, so much confidence opening up my creative side which I didn’t have the time for, so not explored. Immediately afterwards I felt healed physically, emotionally, mentally, a lot more in balance, a lot more understanding. I have a yoyo difficulty with my weight and eating wrong foods and I’ve often beaten myself up about this. I’ve been very negative about myself, because you have to eat, so I eat for my emotions, I eat for absolutely everything - for joy, for fun and I eat really well, but I eat rubbish on top of that, so it undoes anything good. So I’ve not really had time to do anything major. But I opened to allowing. I opened to the flowing, new rhythm, new flow. What I realised is that my connection to being more creative is actually changing my behaviour to food and eating the wrong things in the wrong way. I feel more whole, more alive and I know there’s alot more to do, but I’ve just started. But everything that I’ve started and that I’m doing feels more me. It’s like in a different alignment. It’ a major transformation. Major work, beautifully done. I would recommended working with Tania and the Divine Healing to anyone that is looking for wholeness, support in whole ways.”

“Your timing of when to speak, when to be still as you guide us is perfect and so nurturing and comforting.”

  Jo M., Sydney, Australia

Shamanic Meditation Journey

& Earth Dreaming Blog

“ Thank you so much for that beautiful meditation last night, it was truly wonderful, I felt the earth mother gently meeting the soles of my feet and she remained there for the whole nurturing and comforting.Connecting with my master cell was amazing....part of me didn't know I had one but a deeper part did, it was a beautiful liquid platinum and the membrane was strong but very flexible, I felt as if a veil of fog was being lifted off to my right and I feel mentally clearer. I have not yet been able to see my guides but trust they are there assisting.Your timing of when to speak, when to be still as you guide us is perfect and so nurturing and comforting.Thank you so much, I have been looking for this for some time.” 

not only life changing for me but truly life saving!


 Vicki B., Edinburgh, Scotland

Sacred Alchemy: Shamanism and Divine Healing

I started working with Tania after failing to find any help for the previous two decades trying every medication, treatment and therapy available. I suffer from C-PTSD, BPD, DID and OCD and have been plagued with a wealth of symptoms after being trafficked in childhood. I had lost hope that I might ever be well after being told this by many modern medical practitioners. 


From my first session of Divine Healing with Tania I felt a sense of hope and had immediate relief from my worst symptoms. We then began weekly sessions allowing spirit and my own journey to guide whether to work within the Divine Healing framework or Shamanically


The results so far have been not only life changing for me but truly life saving! I'm seeing HUGE progress in all of my symptoms and a massive shift in my inner world. I have gone from daily self-harm/suicidal ideation, hypervigilence that had rendered me entirely agoraphobic and nightmares so vivid and frequent my every minute was exhausting to an almost different person. I am back at my woodwork shop doing little tutorials for small groups, have really enjoyed getting back to all my creative projects, have begun rebuilding my social network and most importantly of all my inner voice is so much kinder after removing and healing so much negative energy. That has made all my symptoms seem much easier to manage day to day. Even physical ailments are disappearing as I continue to heal! 


I recommend literally every person I meet a session with Tania! So many of the tensions, pains and blockages we suffer are stored in our energetic bodies that we all could use a bit healing I think.

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