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Known as the Night Eagle. 

Owl guides us through Mystery into knowing

Shamanism is a powerful creative, visionary and intuitive method of working with earth elementals, mythology and archetypal symbolism to retrieve information from the spirit world. 


Shamanic Healing uses this knowledge to investigate symptoms and dis-ease, clears and cleanses the energy field, restoring balance and harmony.


I facilitate empowering sessions that guide you to find your own way, your own connection to your soul through the heart of your being, and realign you with your purpose.

These sessions will cleanse and restore balance to the energy field, aura and chakras and may include: retrieval and integration of soul fragments, removal and alchemising energy blockages, attachments, intrusions, bindings and interferences.


The Universe is talking to you all the time. This work weaves ways to open into deeper intimacy with that communication. Allowing what is wanting to flow through you to be witnessed, anchoring you more deeply into your soul purpose.

We grow in recognition of the everyday sacred and start to distill and alchemise ourselves in connecting with the essence of these important symbiotic, inter-sentient relationships. Learning how to find deeper meaning in the unexpected and unusual events in our lives.

I passionately believe that by connecting with our own innate, instinctive wisdom we can become our own visionary healers. Trusting in our inner resourcefulness, we become empowered. 


This ancient knowledge is being purified and returned to it’s original sacred essence, while embodying the new quantum energies that are becoming accessible to ground into Earth at this time.


The Shamanic path is one of remembering and reconnecting with our ancient ancestral wisdom.


These are unprecedented times and that that many are stepping into this remembrance of divine inheritance rapidly. Maybe finding - like I did - that you have been walking this path and doing this work for longer than you could ever imagine.

Experiential Shamanic Mentorship sessions are opportunities to explore what is emerging for you. Learning to work safely within spiritual realms

In these sessions you develop a cohesive and comprehensive spiritually supportive framework aligned and tailored to your remembrance and emerging spiritual experience.


The initial session usually connects you with your power animals, other guides or consolidates your existing guides into a comprehensive team.  


“ I am blessed to walk this journey with Tania”


 Kimmy S., Durban, South Africa

“Tania is first and foremost an amazing being.  When you meet her, her natural energy exudes a sense of peace like the gentle caress of the wind, or the warmth of sunshine on one’s skin.  This talks to fact that she lives her craft as she is a talented Shaman whose command of the Shamanic energies and elements that she uses in her healing sessions is breath-taking and heart-warming at the same time.  Tania is a gentle healer that effortlessly tunes into one’s energy and helps to release energy that is no longer working for you, whilst replacing that energy with love, light and healing.  This coupled with her Divine Healing work makes for a potent healer who quickly gets to the underlying cause of the issue and effortlessly works with your Higher Self to release and reframe that energy in order to help you step forward with a new sense of optimism, zest and energy.  I have thoroughly enjoyed all my healings with Tania and have benefited from her insights and energetic work.  Having suffered severe trauma, Tania was able to offer me comfort from physical pain, to ease my emotional and mental pain and create an environment conducive to me removing the excess baggage that I no longer needed to carry, whilst allowing me to gently heal in body, mind and soul.  I am blessed to walk this journey with Tania.  When you experience her energy, you will feel as if you are being enveloped in the gentle arms of Mother Nature.  Tania, thank you for being an amazing healer and friend.  Our bond has grown from the day we met and I look forward to continuing on this path with you.”

“not only life changing for me but truly life saving!”


 Vicki B., Edinburgh, Scotland

I started working with Tania after failing to find any help for the previous two decades trying every medication, treatment and therapy available. I suffer from C-PTSD, BPD, DID and OCD and have been plagued with a wealth of symptoms after being trafficked in childhood. I had lost hope that I might ever be well after being told this by many modern medical practitioners. 


From my first session of Divine Healing with Tania I felt a sense of hope and had immediate relief from my worst symptoms. We then began weekly sessions allowing spirit and my own journey to guide whether to work within the Divine Healing framework or Shamanically


The results so far have been not only life changing for me but truly life saving! I'm seeing HUGE progress in all of my symptoms and a massive shift in my inner world. I have gone from daily self-harm/suicidal ideation, hypervigilence that had rendered me entirely agoraphobic and nightmares so vivid and frequent my every minute was exhausting to an almost different person. I am back at my woodwork shop doing little tutorials for small groups, have really enjoyed getting back to all my creative projects, have begun rebuilding my social network and most importantly of all my inner voice is so much kinder after removing and healing so much negative energy. That has made all my symptoms seem much easier to manage day to day. Even physical ailments are disappearing as I continue to heal! 


I recommend literally every person I meet a session with Tania! So many of the tensions, pains and blockages we suffer are stored in our energetic bodies that we all could use a bit healing I think.

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