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Divine Healing Master Key is a sacred spiritual counsel using the form of a structured prayer, that brings you closer to your soul path and life purpose.


This catalysing enquiry follows the energetic signature to the root of core patterns, underlying the presenting issue, with laser precision. 


Innovatively blended with Shamanic visioning to support the alchemical process, discordant energy is lifted out, cleared and cleansed.


Transmission of quantum energetic frequencies supports the realignment of the energy fields easing the integration of new harmonious information.

Divine Healing is a great guided support for those new to deeper spiritual enquiry, as well as those experienced in their own inner work. 

For it aids deeper clearing and integration of aspects that may be difficult to complete or find the source of alone, due to deeper hidden complexities.

This channelled method of healing is based on the Spiritual Law “ask and you shall receive”.

The use of a structured prayer or command codes form, enables the quick and effective identification and clearing of core patterns, thus freeing your life force for greater health, connection and well-being.


“ As I say it really felt like tough love - but actually it was what I was needing and yeah, blown away.”

Gillian G. Fife, Scotland

“ I was at a place where I was bewildered. Really lost and uncertain. And I was  making changes, coping with real chronic fatigue that made it hard to do anything at all. I was living in a way that was not authentic to my being. I was looking for clarity, for reassurance ... I was getting a strong feeling that I needed to close the door on everything in my past - doors on every part of my life. And that is major and it is frightening as well. So when I first came to Tania for Divine Healing I was in quite a state. Tho’ I hide and pretend everythings fine - but it wasn’t. My expectations were hope that I would find clarity, reassurance of getting to the right path. Restarting, rebirth, retransformation and everything! So I came with an openness to receiving the support that I needed. During I was blown away. Blown away by the answers to parts - every level of me: physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and way beyond - at levels I hadn’t even thought about. There was a lot of practical stuff that came through, it was really constructive, like a bit of tough love with kindness and compassion and definitely real feelings that the guidance was from people - ancestors and beings that really loved me, that really knew me. It was so beautiful. And some things were hard to hear. As I say it really felt like tough love - but actually it was what I was needing and yeah, blown away. I wasn’t able to hide - I couldn’t hide any part of me doing this. Everything was accessed and magically opened. 

And yes I was in the process of closing so many doors. And I’m meaning moving, looking after my Dad, leaving my job that I’ve done for 30 years, leaving relationships, opening up to working with nature, with animals, really being more authentic of who I am … The joy of life, the love of living again. I think lockdown has really been such a different story for everyone. So I got reassurance, I got the understanding, the support, the feelings that I am on the right direction now. A lot of confidence, so much confidence opening up my creative side which I didn’t have the time for, so not explored. Immediately afterwards I felt healed physically, emotionally, mentally, a lot more in balance, a lot more understanding. I have a yoyo difficulty with my weight and eating wrong foods and I’ve often beaten myself up about this. I’ve been very negative about myself, because you have to eat, so I eat for my emotions, I eat for absolutely everything - for joy, for fun and I eat really well, but I eat rubbish on top of that, so it undoes anything good. So I’ve not really had time to do anything major. But I opened to allowing. I opened to the flowing, new rhythm, new flow. What I realised is that my connection to being more creative is actually changing my behaviour to food and eating the wrong things in the wrong way. I feel more whole, more alive and I know there’s alot more to do, but I’ve just started. But everything that I’ve started and that I’m doing feels more me. It’s like in a different alignment. It’ a major transformation. Major work, beautifully done. I would recommended working with Tania and the Divine Healing to anyone that is looking for wholeness, support in whole ways.”

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