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Release all that Binds ... 


Unravelling is one of my greatest gifts, which is constantly being reviewed, renewed and updated keeping it relevant to what is unfolding through the collective energy fields.


I work closely with the Karmic Board and in doing so I am able to shift through many layers of density simultaneously, addressing organic and inorganic multidimensional technologies.


Freeing, unraveling and alchemising complex entanglements from many sources including past-life, ancestral lineages and otherworld beings to restore harmony, balance, light, freedom and blessings.


Through the process clearing or renegotiating relevant soul contracts, along with other vows and oaths still influencing the current life in the process.


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A little more about Entanglements ...

Entanglements create dense, knotted or matted areas disrupting the ease of energetic flow.


This disruption may manifest as feeling stuck, unable to move forward, strong mindsets that are challenging to shift and more …


Entanglements and bindings may exist in the quantum field, multi-dimensionally through many realms, levels and layers: cellular, tertiary, cosmic - and timeframes: past-life, ancestral, current life … 


Whether from ancient, land embedded family curses or current life conditioned and/or imprinted thoughtforms that are persistently looping and holding you back. 


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“ You are an effective and enlightening true channel of divine light.”


Maria F., Maryland, USA

“Thank you so much for helping me this year.  With your help I have been going through such a purging and birthing process and have unblocked a lot of blocks.  I've finally gained forward momentum on things I have tried to get going on for years.  It feels so good. Your session and your tools helped me understand so much about what was happening with the icky side of things.  It is so hard to find someone in the spiritual field that deals with malevolence that holds an equal field of light.  I was overjoyed and relieved to be able to work with you.  You are an effective and enlightening true channel of divine light.  Thank you for what you do for me and for the collective.”

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