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Image by Kiara Martin

Experience the Journey with Essence and Vision for Personal Alchemy

with this self-led Immersive ...


These creative, free-flowing immersives allow gentle recognition and exploration of your personal weave to clarify for deeper embodiment and presence.


Working with 3 Sacred Earth Essence’s over 4 weeks or 30 days , subtle tiering allows for gentle movement from personal intention to divine inspiration.


This self-led immersive means that you can work at a time and pace to suit you.

" Embracing the Emerging Future"

with the co-creational triad

November's Rose, Snowdrop and Bluebell

a self-led "Creating Heart Space for your Soul Story" workshop


Recognise, transmute and release what no longer serves.

Alchemise the past to propel you forward.

Gently letting go to nurture the fragility of the new.

Find the courage to express your unique expression and blaze your trail !



Journey with:


Pure Vision - £85 



~ or ~ 

Vision and Essence - usually £112 + P&P

special introductory price £88 + P&P


​Meet the Essences :


November's Rose : Brings strength to support Winters Storms. Magenta Ray of Deep Eternal Love. Cocooning and Shielding to ease Moving on from Grief and Loss, while keeping Dreams gently Alive. Acceptance. Supports Completion of Letting Go. Preparing to face the World again. 


Snowdrop Pioneer. Alchemising the past to push through frozen ground. Gnostic. Accessing the Inner Sanctum. Taking a leap of Faith. Purity of action. Deep Knowing. Protector and Keeper of Ancient Knowledge.


Bluebell Embracing the Emerging Future. Celebrating Uniqueness and Diversity within Community. Joyful Self-Acceptance. Aligning fully and Authentically with your Path. Opening to the Magic in Life.

Taking pictures of greenery after the rain is my favorite because there is a lushness and
Image by Katarina K.
Image by Alison Gee
A Journey with 'Pure Vision' or 'Essence and Vision'  includes:


For Both:

Spend 10 days with each Sacred Earth Essence though :

~ 3 x Shamanic Journey transmissions and 3 x Co-creational stories  - one for each Sacred Earth Essence. 

~ Journalling Journey  exercises offering gently evocative questions and reflections to deepen your experience in two layers:

Layer 1 ~ Week by week guidance, presented in a retreat format guiding you through each quarter of your journey through the various stages of your journey from preparation and intention setting, initiating the journey, to the reflections to consolidate your experiences 

Layer 2 ~ 10 day Essence specific journalling  for each essence, that weaves into and between the weekly guidance


In addition Journeys with 'Essence and Vision' receive:

~ 3 x 10ml one of each of Novembers Rose, Snowdrop and Bluebell - which adds an extra layer of the weave to your experience.

Journey with:


Pure Vision - £85 



~ or ~ 

Vision and Essence - usually £112 + P&P

special introductory price £88 + P&P

By Loch Maree 2.jpg

Align and release what is blocking you and holding you back from aligning with the Emerging Future.


When new beginnings unfold into our lives they involve moving on from an old way of being and existing. This can be in obvious ways such as a house move or a relationship ending - or more subtle ways such as a shift in consciousness or beliefs ( though these can be massive too).


It can help to take time to stand at that threshold of change and consciously let go of any attachments no longer serving us on the journey forward. This helps to create more space for the new, bringing more freedom. This may be a bittersweet process. As much as we may feel liberated there is a parallel process of grieving what once was. This isn’t linear it's a spiral that both untangles and weaves, meaning that  sadness may travel with the blooming for a while.


Once we are ready to more fully commit to the new, we find that the wisdom of longheld, forgotten dreams have been safely cocooned waiting for us. And then the alchemy really begins...


Until one day we find there are gaps in our reflections on the past and as these gaps get bigger the magic of the new has eased it’s way in, expanding allowing our dreams to get bigger and feel more tangible then simply the  faith and hope we started with.


Together these three essences support this process gently, deeply and with beauty.


If this feels like it would support you right now you can book here or explore some more

and Meet the Essences.

Trees Friends.jpg

For delivery outside UK and/or tracking services : please email me with your location, package being purchased i.e. Consult or Journey, and responses to below questions if appropriate for your order, and I will invoice you. I charge a flat rate P&P as follows:


UK : £5 ~ Ireland/Europe: £7 ~ USA : £12 ~ Australia/most other destinations : £10

additional tracking: ~ UK : £2 ~ Ireland/Australia/most other destinations : £4 ~ Europe : £4 or £6 ~ USA : £6 ~


There are a few locations e.g. Russia and Sweden, where delivery may provide challenges that can be discussed.

From my Heart to yours,



~ Tania ~

~ Aurora White Crow ~

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